
The Astrology of Sailor Moon – Part VIII: Saturn – Death and Resurrection

I was watching Sailor Moon Crystal again, and I was struck by just how profound Sailor Saturn is. I talked about her in a general way in Part VI of this series, but her speech and actions upon emerging seemed particularly deep, and they seem to explain the Saturn principle quite well. Sailor Saturn is … Continue reading The Astrology of Sailor Moon – Part VIII: Saturn – Death and Resurrection

Solar Eclipse of April 30, 2022

There will be a partial Solar Eclipse on April 30, 2022. It will be visible in the Southern countries of South America, such as Argentina and Chile. Eclipses have traditionally been seen as bad omens, and I agree that, for the most part, they are. They represent a temporary triumph of Dark over Light. I … Continue reading Solar Eclipse of April 30, 2022

Transits – January 31 to March 1, 2022: Saturn Strikes Back

During the last Lunar Cycle, there were some small glimmers of being able to break free from Saturn's hold. Unfortunately, Saturn is not backing down very easily. The Lunar Cycle from January 31 to March 1, 2022 will be heavily dominated by Saturn. The most obvious way that this is manifesting is through the current … Continue reading Transits – January 31 to March 1, 2022: Saturn Strikes Back