Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and the first sign of the astrological year. As the sign of the Warrior, Aries is straightforward and direct. Aries natives are usually bold and courageous, tending to act first and think later. It is common for Aries to "rush in where angels fear to tread," not … Continue reading Aries 牡羊座
Aries Ingress 2019
The Sun went into Aries yesterday, and this marks the astrological new year! Whenever the Sun enters into one of the four Cardinal Signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, the chart for that entry will color the entire season. So, with that in mind, let us look at the Aries Ingress chart for 2019. Very … Continue reading Aries Ingress 2019
The Mercury Retrograde Cycle
At the time of the writing this article, we are a few days into a Mercury Retrograde period. These periods have a bad reputation, and they are one of the more feared transits in our modern culture. It is true that if they are not handled correctly, these periods can bring about frustration and inconvenience. … Continue reading The Mercury Retrograde Cycle
The Transits of March 2019 – Mercury Retrograde in Pisces
Mars will be in Taurus through all of March, and Mercury will be retrograde in Pisces from March 6 through March 28. This will make it hard to get things accomplished for many people because they will feel foggier than usual. There will also be a greater likelihood of careless errors. Other than that, it … Continue reading The Transits of March 2019 – Mercury Retrograde in Pisces
Pisces 魚座
Aside from Scorpio, Pisces might be one of the most misunderstood signs in popular Western Astrology. Pisces is often described either as a saint or hopelessly gullible and prone to all sorts of problems like addictions. The reason for this misunderstanding is that Pisces is the sign that is least attached to the material world. … Continue reading Pisces 魚座
The Transits of February 2019 – A Quiet Month
After January's busy and chaotic Eclipse Season, February looks to be rather calm and relatively uneventful. This would be a good time to relax, regroup, and reflect. There will be a few major transits with the Outer Planets, which may cause some people trouble, but the impact of these can be avoided or minimized with … Continue reading The Transits of February 2019 – A Quiet Month
Aquarius 水瓶座
Aquarius is a law unto herself. Of all of the signs, it is the least predictable in terms of what it will mean for someone's personality or beliefs. This is because Aquarius makes a point of being herself and standing apart from the rest of the world. There is a reason for this other than … Continue reading Aquarius 水瓶座
Lunar Eclipse of January 20-21, 2019
We started off this year with the Solar Eclipse of January 5-6, 2019, and in a few days, on January 20-21, 2019, there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse. This Eclipse will be visible in North and South America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. The period of totality will be 62 minutes. As Eclipses … Continue reading Lunar Eclipse of January 20-21, 2019
The Astrology of Sailor Moon – Part VII: Eclipses
In Part VI of this series, we finished up the third story arc with a discussion of Sailor Saturn. Throughout this series, I have been using Sailor Moon Crystal for discussion purposes, which follows the manga very closely. The reason for this is that I am focusing on the astrology involved, and the older anime … Continue reading The Astrology of Sailor Moon – Part VII: Eclipses
Solar Eclipse of January 5-6, 2019
It is eclipse season again, and the first eclipse of this will occur on either January 5 or 6, 2019, depending on where you live. This will be a partial eclipse and will be visible in Japan, Eastern Russia, Northeast China, most of Mongolia, and in the Southwest tip of Alaska. As eclipses go, this … Continue reading Solar Eclipse of January 5-6, 2019