Pisces 魚座

Aside from Scorpio, Pisces might be one of the most misunderstood signs in popular Western Astrology. Pisces is often described either as a saint or hopelessly gullible and prone to all sorts of problems like addictions. The reason for this misunderstanding is that Pisces is the sign that is least attached to the material world. … Continue reading Pisces 魚座

Sagittarius 射手座

Sagittarius is a light-hearted and freedom loving sign. From the seriousness of Scorpio, we move into this cheerful and optimistic sign. Sagittarius is the Archer, half-human, half-horse, who is ready for the hunt. The saying, "I shot an arrow into the air. Where it landed, I know not where," applies almost perfectly to Sagittarius. This … Continue reading Sagittarius 射手座

Signs of Letting Go, the Mutable Signs

日本語版 As I have previously discussed, the tropical zodiac is based on the seasons. Each season begins with a cardinal sign and deepens with a fixed sign. Yet, all good things must end, and so must every season. Spring gives way to summer, summer gives way to fall, fall gives way to winter, and winter … Continue reading Signs of Letting Go, the Mutable Signs